how to upload videos to a g drive

Why Upload to Google Drive from URL?

Google Bulldoze is 1 of the most famous deject backup service worldwide. If you upload a file to Google Drive, users must manually drag and drop files into Google Bulldoze. If at that place are too many files, there will be omissions and errors.

Upload to Google Drive Icon
Upload to Google Bulldoze

In addition, they may encounter cases where the server speed is quite slow and demand to download from a faster server. In this situation, uploading the file to Google Drive via URL can solve the problem. Merely how to perform the task?

Fortunately, MultCloud can solve the above problems. You can use this tool to upload files to Google Drive via URL, so you can easily access the content without switching to Google Drive. In addition to the to a higher place methods, this commodity also provides another method to help you implement URL upload operations. Now let united states take a closer look at these solutions one past i.

How to Upload to Google Drive from URL

Solution i. Upload Files to Google Bulldoze from URL via MultCloud

MultCloud, every bit a free and web-based multiple cloud storage managing director, has 3 main features: "Remote Upload", "Cloud Transfer" and "Cloud Sync" and also supports Google Bulldoze, Dropbox, OneDrive, MEGA, pCloud and other mainstream cloud drives.

Also, MultCloud supports other features for integrating multiple deject storage drives ameliorate, for instance, managing multiple OneDrive accounts on same PC. With the help of MultCloud, you can hands sync, transfer, rename, delete, copy files among cloud drives.

With the "Remote Upload" feature supported by MultCloud, you can realize remote upload conveniently and the role below will bear witness you how to upload files to Google Bulldoze from URL.

Step i. Visit MultCloud homepage and create a complimentary business relationship or get a temp account by clicking on "Try without signing upwardly".

Sign Up
Sign Upwards

Step 2. In the next Window, click "Add together Cloud" to add your Google Drive. And so follow the instructions to grant MultCloud access to the business relationship you are connecting to.

Add Google Drive
Add Google Drive to MultCloud

Step 3. After adding your Google Drive to MultCloud, y'all tin cull "Google Drive" on the left drive listing. Open information technology and click "Remote Upload" button.

Upload Option
Upload Pick

Footstep 4. In the pop-out window, paste the file link you want to upload. Click on the "Save to Cloud" button and the process of uploading URL volition be completed apace.

Upload URL to Google Drive
Upload URL to Google Drive


  • The form of the extension proper noun of the file must exist the same as the original form, or the file will fail to exist opened properly.
  • You can likewise use this function to parse torrent files and magnet links to upload movies or e-books. For example, you can download torrents to Dropbox.

Solution 2. Upload Files to Google Drive from URL with an Extension Tool

At that place is also another way that can assist you. One time you have installed the Chrome extension called "Copy, URL to Google Bulldoze", y'all can upload to Google Drive via URL. But it's not an option of straight uploading whatever stuff to Google Drive because it'south but for pages. There are detailed steps.

Footstep 1: Become to the website of Re-create URL to Google Drive.
Step two: Paste the link, select the target binder you want to save to and click on "Save, Copy to Google Drive".

Upload URL to Google Drive
Upload URL to Google Drive

Step 3: Click on "Save to Google Drive" push in the new window to complete the chore.

Save URL to Google Drive
Save URL to Google Drive


As you can see, any way above can help upload to Google Drive from URL directly. If MultCloud is your option, y'all may detect MultCloud not merely can assist you upload to Google Drive through URL as mentioned above, merely likewise tin can perform safe file sharing and assist y'all to copy files to multiple clouds and and so on.

Moreover, every bit a professional multiple deject manager, MultCloud can likewise help you effortlessly transfer and sync between clouds with "Deject Transfer" and "Deject Sync" functions. And so, if necessary, you can quickly migrate Flickr to Google Photos, sync multiple Google Bulldoze accounts or transfer MEGA to Google Drive.

What's more, MultCloud supports an extension in Google Chrome app store. If you are a user of Google Chrome browser, we highly suggest y'all install this extension, yous can visit this tutorial ( MultCloud Google Chrome App Extension) to learn how to use this tool.


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